Friday, September 01, 2006

I'm a dork

So, I just finished my first week of OT school and I am loving it. Ask me about it at the end of the day though and I might give a different answer. It is already getting really stressful and I'm so exhausted at the end of the day, but all in all, I really love the program. There are a lot of fun people in my class and we are all already feeling like each other's family members. There is a lot of support and comraderie within the program that is really cool. Last night we had a luau/cookout at one of the professor's houses that all the student and professors went to. So, I already am behind on work, but it's all good so far!

Oh, and we're not going to Hawaii for New years....but don't feel too badly for me, because we are going to EUROPE!!! We are spending new years in Madrid, gonna take a day trip to Toledo, then overnight train into Paris where we spend a few nights, then overnight train to Rome where we finish up our trip. I am so excited!!! If you have ever been to any of these places and have suggestions for places to see, bars, restaurants, night life, please let me know!


Blogger SS said...

I've moved my blog. And I've added a link to your site so you BETTER START UPDATING REGULARLY!!!!!

10:02 AM  

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