Saturday, November 26, 2005


This past Thanksgiving was one of the best I have ever had. Chris and I drove out to Lake Tawakoni - home of my grandparents - for a fun two day traditional Thanksgiving. We got there Thursday, watched the Cowboys lose (booooooooooo!) and ate some good home cookin. Sweet potatoes and the stuffing continue to rein as my favorites! Then, after Chris' four pieces of pie (where the hell does he put it?) the fun began. Chris and me stayed up til about 3 am with my brother, cousins, an aunt and an uncle drinking and playing Spoons. Since most of you do not know my family, the game of Spoons is deadly among us. Legendary stories have been told of grandmothers wrestling to the floor or cousins biting to get a spoon. Chris jumped right in like one of us, complete with a full on wrestle with one of my cousins to win the game. He has been initiated into the family and is one of us now! After little sleep, we all woke up to watch Texas beat those damn Aggies then drove out to the Christmas tree farm. We rode the hayride with the family out to the trees and helped the cousins pick out some trees that we then cut down. Chris and I kept picking out our favorite trees, but alas, no where to put one. :( In the end, it was a really fun Thanksgiving and am so excited that Chris had a good time with my family!


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