Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

I swear, there had to have been a full moon looming over the hospital today. Another assistant had a Haz Mat spill in her playroom today and if that wasn't enough, one of the specialists, who is my supervisor, broke down in the office today. There were five patients in the ICU who were passing, and she was having to support all the families. I felt so badly for her and so helpless. It definitely makes me rethink my short term job of working as a Child Life Specialist for a year or two. I totally love my job and the environment and working with the kids, but there's no way I could deal with kids dying. The specialists have to be totally there for the the families without breaking down themselves. Michele (my supervisor) said that you have to just realize you have to do your job and be there for the families, and then you can deal with it yourself later, after you leave work. I know dealing with situations like that wouldn't be a daily thing, thank goodness, but I still don't know if I could handle even just one incident. Hopefully, I can gain the strength to do that, but I really don't know. Definitely makes me feel more comfortable and happy with the decision of eventually going into OT, where I could still work at Children's. So, all in all, I was pretty bummed and not feeling like doing anything when I got home from work. I just felt exhausted and emotionally drained. I ended up cancelling on Kaboomtown in Addison with my parents and family friends and turned down an offer to go to the Londoner in Addison with Thomas and Co. I think I needed the quiet and down time to myself. So, instead of watching fireworks, I played lazy in the recliner with a sleeping Chloe on my lap and watched The Others. Such an awesome movie and after seeing it so many times, it still makes me jump! Still trying to figure out the father's role in the overall theme of the movie - if you have any ideas, let me know.


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