Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Spring break!!!!

Chris and I are going to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic for spring break!!! I am SO excited!!!! We'll be there for 7 days/6 nights and I may get to ride a horse on the beach (a life long dream of mine) and swim with dolphins! Spring break, I hope you get here soon!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I got in!

Well, so much has happend since my last post. Went down to Louisiana to meet Chris' dad and other relatives for new years which was really great. Really glad I finally got to meet his dad and step-mother. I also got to meet all of his grandparents. One of his grandmother's actually just passed away the other week so I feel very lucky to have met her while I had the chance. Saw some hurricane damage. Chris' dad has (well, had) a time share on the east bank of the lake and now that whole area is all ruined. We drove out there on the way home from the airport and buildings are all gone, ponds are full of trash and it's like a ghost town. It was really sad to see but I am actually glad I got to see it. In other news, I got into a REALLY good OT school! It's part of the Washington University Medical School. It's ranked third in the entire country which makes it really cool that I got in and that I got a bit of a merit scholarship. So, trying to figure out where to go, because it's still pretty pricey (and SOMEONE still hasn't paid off her Sewanee loans....oops) So, TWU is still an option since it's so much cheaper. So, if you have any suggestions, comments or money for me, please let me know! :)